
How to assemble nose led kit (Hanahotaru).


This product contains a small battery, swallowing may cause serious effects such as a hole in the stomach due to the reaction of electric current. Please be careful not to reach children or people who do not know about this product.
Use this product by pasting it at the entrance of the nose. Never push it in. There is a risk that it cannot be removed.


small nipper / soldering iron / conformal coating / masking tape / file / 5V power supply/glue for eyelashes / ethanol(for cleaning)/cotton swabs/ vice (optional)/tweezers (optional)/Radio pliers(optional)


Chager board / connector (make & female) / Nose Led /Battery


file the female connector to remove sharp edge.Just little bit is enough.

Step2.電池端子加工/Form battery terminals

Form the battery terminals as shown on the right. Take care to avoid short circuits.

FYI:To avoid short circuit. Wrapping with masking tape is good idea.

The battery terminals are a little too long. Cut to the capacitor side ( position of the red dotted line ).

Step3.コネクタ半田付け/Soldering connectors

鼻ホタル基板にメスコネクタを半田付けします。Solder female connector Nose LED(hanahotaru) board.

1つだけピンを半田付けして、垂直にコネクタが付いている事を確認します。Solder only one pin and make sure that the connector is attached vertically.

Cut the remaining 2 pins along the board surface.

その2ピンを半田付けします。Solder the 2pins.

最初の1ピンをカットして、再度半田付けします。Cut the fist pin and re-solder it.

Solder male connector to the charger.Note: The shorter pin of the male connector is the soldering side.

まず右側のピンを半田付けして、垂直を確認します。At first, solder the right side pin and check the vertical.

のこり2ピンを半田付けします。この2ピンは半田ブリッジしても問題ありません。Solder remaining 2pins.This will make solder bridge but no problem.

5V電源を繋ぎます。USBでOKです。プラス側に+刻印があります、刻印がないほうにGNDを繋いで下さい。 Solder 5V power supply,USB is OK. Plus mark on the board means plus 5V another is GND.

(Optional) Check the voltage. Connect the Nose LED like the figure and check the voltage of the capacitor (brown part) voltage.The voltage must be about 3.2V .

Step4.電池半田付け/Solder the battery

電池を半田付けします。ショートに注意。Solder the battery.Be careful to avoid short circuit.

Step5.清掃/Clean up

綿棒とエタノールで鼻ホタル基板を清掃します。Clean up the Nose LED board with cotton swabs and ethanol.

Step6. コーティング/Coating

Coat both sides of Nose LED board and battery. Be careful not to coat the connector.I use conformal coating, but you can also use epoxy adhesive.(Apply “thinly” )

Note: The temperature sensor for detecting nasal breathing is located at the red circle. When coating with adhesive, etc., please coat this part thinly.


組立は終了です。おめでとうございます。使わない時でも4ヶ月に一度、8時間程度充電を行って下さい。congratulations! Assembly is complete. Even when not in use, please charge about 8 hours every 4 months.

つかいかた/How to use

鼻ホタルはつけまつげ用の糊で固定します。The Nose LED is fixed with glue for eyelashes.

糊を電池に塗ります。塗った後しばらく待つ必要があります。詳しくは糊の説明書をお読み下さい。Apply glue to the battery.It is necessary to wait for a while after applying. Please read the glue manual for details.

Attach the Nose LED with the battery facing down at the nose entrance. Do not push it into your nose. When removing, hold it with your fingers. If you can’t take it out, blow it away with nose breath. Never dig your nose, Nose LED will get into deeper.


Set the battery charger in the direction shown below. Connecting the battery in the opposite direction will cause the battery to over discharge and become unusable. Replace the MS621 battery in case of overdischarge (available from Akizuki Denshi).
The nose LED works at about 3V. To measure the voltage, set the nose firefly on the charger and measure it at the soldered part of the connector.

強制リセット/Force Reset

If the Nose LED does not work even though the voltage is sufficient, the microcomputer may be out of control due to the leakage current of moisture. After thoroughly drying, reset the microcomputer by shorting the soldering surface of the charging connector for about 0.1 seconds.

技術情報/Technical information

技術情報については以下URLをご覧ください。Please see this URL for more technical information.

質問/Any question?

Please contact at you.akira.noda@gmail.com